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Menu Settings

Menu settings Overview, Compact, Wide, Zoom In, and Zoom Out can be used to change the arrangement of all device boxes and text sizes of all message snippets. The View menu provides options to show or hide additional information in message snippets (Duplicates, URIs, Protocols, IPs, MACs, Codecs, and Absolute Time) and few others that influence device boxes as well (Pin Devices, Unwind Messages).

<WRAP center box 620px> Menu bar Menu bar </WRAP>

View menu

View menu A pop-down menu with predefined checkboxes will be shown. 
 The following menu items are available:


URIs (Unified Resource Identifier) are not shown by default. When checked, they will be shown in the first line of all message snippets, see example below. This option can be useful if the URI user and/or domain part contains helpful information, i.e. phone number, etc.


URIs (Unified Resource Identifier) are not shown by default. When checked, they will be shown in the first line of all message snippets, see example below. This option can be useful if the URI user and/or domain part contains helpful information, i.e. phone number, etc.

<WRAP center box 620px> URI Example URI Example </WRAP>


When checked (default), the protocol used to transport the message will be shown in the first line of all message snippets, see example below. Typical values are UDP and TCP. This option can be used to solve general network problems.

<WRAP center box 620px> Protocol Example Protocol Example </WRAP>


When checked (default), the source IP addresses of the sending and the destination IP addresses of the receiving VoIP device will be shown in all message snippets, see example below. This option can be used to verify the correct IP routing between VoIP devices, also IP spoofing can be detected.

<WRAP center box 620px> IP Example IP Example </WRAP>


When checked (default), the source MAC addresses of the sending and destination MAC addresses of the receiving VoIP device will be shown in all message snippets, see example below. This option can be used to verify whether a VoIP device uses the correct network interface.

<WRAP center box 620px> MAC Example MAC Example </WRAP>


When checked (default) and the raw VoIP message contains a SDP (Session Description Protocol) header, the codec information will be displayed in all message snippets, see example below. This is the case for messages establishing a media session, e.g. SIP INVITE.

<WRAP center box 620px> Codec Example Codec Example </WRAP>

Absolute Time

When checked (default) and the VoIP message can be associated with a time stamp, the time information will be displayed in all message snippets. This option can be used to detect delays in VoIP environments.

Unwind Messages

When checked (default), device boxes may appear duplicated. This intended behavior simplifies the readability of the VoIP message flow, i.e. message snippets are placed exactly between two device boundaries, see example below.

<WRAP left box 320px> CheckedChecked</WRAP> <WRAP right box 300px> UncheckedUnchecked</WRAP>

Pin Devices

This option is not checked by default. When checked, device boxes will be locked on top of the message window. This option can be useful when scrolling through large pages or small browser windows respectively.

<WRAP center box 620px> Checked Checked </WRAP>

Overview menu

Overview menu By selecting this menu item all device boxes will be rearranged to fit into the sequence diagram window.

<WRAP center info 100%> Note: This option may have impact on readability, this can be changed by selecting the menu items Compact or Wide. </WRAP>

Compact menu

 Compact menu By selecting this menu item all device boxes will be rearranged to occupy the least possible space in the sequence diagram window.

<WRAP center info 100%> Note: Some message snippets may overlap, this can be changed by selecting the menu items Overview or Wide. </WRAP>

Wide menu

 Wide menu By selecting this menu item all device boxes will be rearranged to provide a wider viewing experience. This option is recommended when using large displays.

<WRAP center info 100%> Note: This option may clip content on small displays, this can be changed by selecting the menu items Overview or Compact. </WRAP>

Zoom In menu

 Zoom in menu By selecting this menu item the text size of all message snippets in the sequence diagram window will be increased.

Zoom Out menu

 Zoom out menu By selecting this menu item the text size of all message snippets in the sequence diagram window will be decreased.

projects/sdf/menu_settings.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/19 16:43 (external edit)